With our positive feedback, your employees will be motivated to change and improve

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Woolsey Performance Experts, Inc. utilizes positive reinforcement and continuous feedback to “coach”, change, and motivate employees to improve. WPEX has perfected its coaching model and feedback methods to provide a comfortable environment for employees to change.

Coaching helps actually change the behavior of the employees, in one or all departments of a dealership or regional/corporate office. The primary focus of employee coaching is to “engage” the employees in their own behavior and how it impacts how customers feel about doing business with you!

This same coaching method also supports process implementation and improvement. Coaching services can be combined with a mini assessment and on-the-job skills training to create a complete customized approach to process improvement.

Sample coaching methods include:

  • Observation and one-on-one feedback for individual employees
  • Employee involvement to overcome resistance to change
  • Management coaching to sustain change and adopt a coaching philosophy

One-on-one feedback is always based upon positive reinforcement that dissolves defenses and opens up an individual to suggestions for improvement. Once an employee understands what he or she did right, the opportunity exists to redirect behaviors that could be improved. This method allows employees to practice in a safe environment, knowing that they will not be humiliated or embarrassed.

Employee involvement happens through mini-classroom sessions conducted as part of a coaching visit. The primary purpose of these sessions is to get employees to talk about behaviors that do not work for the customer. They then go on to identify behaviors that do work and choose ones they are willing to commit to using.

Management coaching is one of the most beneficial features in WPEX Coaching Programs. We help focus dealership managers to incorporate a coaching philosophy into their management style and daily activities. Long-term success is achieved only through sustaining positive behavior changes in employees. Learning to use one-on-one feedback and practices helps managers sustain the change and become better coaches.