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buy backlinks


Backlinks are very important due to the fact that how the 3 top search engines work - Google, Yahoo & MSN. This search engines take into account the number of backlinks into their search results ranking algorithm. This means that the more backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in the related keyword search. This will eventually leads to a lot of traffic since almost all Internet Users will search for the information they want via the various search engines.

It is also good to know how backlinks are seen by different search engines. This might not be 100% accurate but this is some inference I had from doing Internet Marketing and Blogging for some period.

For Google, it is believed that multiple backlinks from a domain does not makes any difference. For example, links signature from forum have very minimal impact on Google’s ranking algorithm.

For Yahoo, they chooses to display all the backlinks of your website. Although Yahoo display a lot of the backlinks, it does not place backlinks as important compared to Google.

Similarly for MSN, they chooses to display all the backlinks but does not place backlinks as important. Instead, I find that they focuses more on the keywords.

You can do a self test on the 3 search engines to test on the number of backlinks you have. Most of you should notice that Yahoo and MSN have relatively more backlinks compared to Google. To do the test,

However, since Google are the most popular search engine, we have to concentrate on the number of backlinks to improve on our SEOs.

How To Obtain Backlinks

The very first way which is the most powerful way to obtain backlinks is to create your own E-Books adding in your website URL and giving them free to your target audiences. Internet users are very happy when they saw freebies and they find it very hard to resist it especially when the product is related to what they are finding. If your E-Book provide knowledge that they want to know, chances that they will recommend it to their friends are high. With more exposure to your E-Book, it means that your website URL get more exposure as well. Internet users might just add in your website URL to their blogs to give it as a freebie to their subscribers as well which will in turn create some quality backlinks for you.

The second way is to submit comments with your website URL as signature on high traffic blog will also help in getting backlinks. Why do I specify high traffic blogs? High traffic blogs are often indexed more often by Google compared to lower traffic blogs. Therefore, your backlinks will be indexed as well when you leave comments on high traffic blogs.

The third way is through Article Marketing. There are many article directory around on the Web and if you leave your website URL at the end of the article, you could easily create 40-50 backlinks. At the same time, Internet users who like your article might also post your website URL on their blog which create additional backlinks for you.

The last way that can effectively assist you to get backlinks is to post on the various social network like Digg, StumbleUpon You can get another 50-100 backlinks easily from this social network as well so make good use of all this.