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May 1, 1982

parental control
In these technological times our children are more vulnerable than ever. How important is parental control software and what dangers are there online for our children.
In these times you would think that our children are safer than any other generation as our children have more entertainment centred indoors rather than outdoors. My generation played almost totally outdoors and was open to all sorts of dangers but for some reason those times seemed and felt safer and there was no need for parental control software as there was no internet. Parental control came in the shape of a cold slap on the legs and usually I seem to remember with a hand that was wet. My mother appeared to be constantly washing stuff.

Back in the day, if a stranger was in our street and talking to the kids we knew to stay well away and to tell our parents, plus you could see how old he is and you could sense if there was something weird going on. No mobile phones, no internet, no market for child porn. We all felt very safe even though I am sure kids went missing as they do now but it was rare.

Unfortunately the internet has created a new set of dangers, in my opinion more dangerous than ever and with this, the need for parental control software. In my youth you were only really in danger from opportunists as you were almost always surrounded by other children on the streets of East London. Plus we knew we lived in a dangerous place so we were naturally vigilant and hardened to street life.

The problem is, today’s children are not street wise and are not hardened to the misfits and weirdoes in our society.
parental control software
We have made a world of comfort and safety for them and created very trusting children who are mostly secure and very confident compared to previous generations. This of course presents its own problems.

Today’s youth play on computers, Wii’s, PS3’s and Xbox’s and experience a playful and unreal existence. They can act out their fantasies online or on their games console. Unfortunately, there are a whole load of misfits, weirdoes and paedophile’s ready to use the internet in sinister and sophisticated ways to act out their fantasies too.

We have grown men and women prowling the internet as part of paedophile rings and some acting alone, pretending to be children on chat rooms and forums. It is a mistake to think that it’s only men we have to be careful of. internet parental controlThere are as many women today involved in paedophile rings as men. Sad but true and as parents something we have to be aware of. Google it and you will be amazed how many women have sold their children to paedophile rings.

These evil people prey on the vulnerable and especially teenagers as no matter how solid and balanced their home life is, because they are going through puberty, they are susceptible to the influences of a mature and devious mind. Most teenagers feel that their parents don’t understand them and all a paedophile pretending to be a teenager has to do is tell them they are going through the same thing. It’s easy to create empathy with a mixed up teenager when you aren’t interested in their well being or development.

Paedophiles will stop at nothing to satisfy their twisted and evil desires. Our children have to understand that the chat rooms and forums are dangerous places and that all is not always what it seems. Unfortunately, we can’t trust them to make these judgements alone so the answer to the question ‘do we need the best parental control software?’ is a resounding YES! So if your children spend a lot of time on the internet, please make sure you know who they are talking to and what kind of conversations they are having.
parent control