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September 10, 1982

•  Aries (March 21 to April 20)
Seizing every opportunity to help others - whether due or not. What matters is the difference he’s made to extend a hand. Spread the blessings will take you to the happy unions and prosperous circumstances.
•  Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You will feel a slight discomfort this month that he will seek help in changing. When the discomfort begins to sink, take a step back and find out what aspect of your life needs a makeover or another plan, then put your plans and ideas into action. Their discomfort is a signal that it is the right time to make this change.
•  Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You will find the withdrawal of his friends, or any of its usual crowd, preferring to take a few moments alone. Let yourself when this happens. You may feel confused and wonder what they’re sad, but this is not sad - just need to calm your inner self and to contact you. So still, and listen to your inner self.
•  Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
This month you will be able to master the art of dealing with an unpleasant person or circumstance. While this person or situation that might still be around, you will be able to show a level of intelligence and maturity that sets a good example, not only others but yourself. You will look back now and realize how well they handled a difficult situation - so keep calm and not let things get much.
•  Leo (July 23 to August 21)
This month will bring you enjoyable and a lot of favors. Do not be surprised if you want something really occasionally. The love and wealth seem to be very near you this month, so enjoy and feel the rain of blessings that will make this a great month for you.
•  Virgo (August 22 to September 23)
You may be away from other people and wonder what has changed or what is happening, but do not worry, this is just a phase. You may find that it seems you can not see face to face with your friends or your teammates do not seem to share their passion for what they are doing. Just let it pass phase, and do not let that keep you from doing what it should do.
•  Libra (September 24 to October 23)
Her cheerful and friendly manner will make people want to talk to you, and others will find pleasure in it all, creating a bright and happy atmosphere where you are. Therefore, maintaining the cheerful and friendly!
•  Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)
Something that has been worrying that you will profit and pleasure of this month. Favorable circumstances are on their way to you. Do not expect immediate results, however. But we know that the transition to a much better situation is already occurring.
•  Sagittarius (November 23-December 22)
Beware of overspending or loss of property only for the superficial pleasures. You might end up yielding much for something that is ephemeral. Before making any commitments or decisions, sleep on it, then decide if your mind is not clouded by the euphoria of temporary pleasure.
•  Capricorn (December 23 to January 20)
Good luck and unusual pleasure appear here and there, making this month a great one for you. You are warned not to brag about it, however, whether invited or unfavorable conditions. Just focus on your good fortune and happiness that goes with it, and silently thank the Universe.
•  Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
You will make new partnerships this month that is happiness. The care of these new connections as it will be very beneficial for you in the long run, especially if they are already being felt as a great and positive now.
•  Pisces (February 20-March 20)
For and fortune on their side this month - do not forget to share with others, and thank those who helped out. You will become a favorite for many people, for various reasons, which send them positive energy and blessings your way. Multiply the good things with feelings of happiness and gratitude.