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August 9, 1977

تحميل اغاني                   
العاب طبخ

- This material is to be read slowly.
- In order to become a consistently effective Remote Viewer, one needs to understand, integrate, and (hopefully) experience the following body of knowledge. Otherwise, one is only dabbling in these matters.

“If thou would’st hear the Nameless, and wilt dive
Into the Temple-cave of thine own self,
There, brooding by the central altar, thou
May’st haply learn the Nameless hath a voice,
By which thou wilt abide, if thou be wise.”

Tennyson (1809-1892)

Mr. O’Donnell is the founder of the Academy of Remote Viewing. He was a remote viewing instructor for the remote viewing (mental espionage) branch of a Western intelligence organization. Mr. O’Donnell would like to make the following information available:

In order to successfully remote view, an individual must operate at a level of mind where he/she will show electrical brain wave traces where Theta waves oscillating between 4 to 5 cycles per second will predominate. Psychophysiologists call this the deep Theta level of the mind.

The deep Theta zone is precisely at the interface with the Delta level of mind (deep sleep), where the human brain waves oscillate between 1 to 4 cycles per second.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded The Delta level of mind (deep sleep: no dreaming present), has remained up to now one of the most mysterious and unsolved puzzles of modern science. Man has, and is exploring further and further frontiers of the natural world and of space, but has yet to gain any understanding of a state in which he spends close to a third of his lifetime. There is a good reason for this: Since consciousness is lost at the Delta level, the scientific mainstream has concluded that most thought processes disappear when sleeping (except for the relatively short dream periods, which have drawn the biggest research efforts). Since no one has ever recalled any experiences while in the Delta state, it was inferred that there was really nothing to be recalled. Remote viewing operations in Europe have shown otherwise.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded When someone is awake and totally active, his/her brain waves operate at a level called Beta where they mainly oscillate between 14 to 30 cycles per second. As one’s mind relaxes and disconnects somehow from the external material world - as when daydreaming, for instance, or when meditating, or watching a movie - one enters a more focused, expanded state of awareness where brain wave patterns are mainly composed of Alpha waves oscillating at between 8 and 13 cycles per second. When relaxing even further, the mind enters a region that correlates with a large relative quantity of brain wave patterns of 4 to 7 cycles per second. This is the Theta zone of the mind.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded The Beta level corresponds to a focus of concentration by the mind upon the outside or perceptually separated world, and the Alpha and Theta levels correspond to a more internally focused, self-reflective state.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded Each human being experiences the Theta level for a fleeting moment every night before the mind dips down from the Beta level of awareness (awake state), to the Delta state (brain waves of less than 4 cycles per second: deep sleep), and passes rapidly through the Alpha and Theta states to enter the profound sleep level, where consciousness of self is totally lost, and where even dreams do not occur. (When dreaming, a sense of self is necessary and the mind has to go back up to the Theta or Alpha state.)
Delta is the level of the mysterious universal mind. It is the level at which the differentiated self (ego) expands to become undifferentiated and operates outside of the confines of linear time/space. This is the level of One.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded Time and space exist only within the Universal Mind. The Universal Mind is not separated from us, and we are not separated from It. Since everything interconnects through thought, thought is the only reality that can bridge space and time.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded The universal mind creates us constantly. We are but epiphenomenona of It.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded The ego (sense of separated self) opposes such notions and fears the notion of the “One.” It reveres and finds security in the notion of the “many.” That is why it fears death and wants to prolong life as a perception of individual separateness for as long as possible, and even projects this fear into its understanding of the so-called afterlife. The stronger the ego, the bigger the need to differentiate from one another, and remain differentiated.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded Everybody wants to remember having been somebody, nobody seems to want to remember having been Everybody.